We are pleased to invite you to ECHDO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on the 3rd to 4th of May 2019 at Kópavogur, Iceland which will be our 10th anniversary Annual General Meeting. The meeting will take place at the Hotel Kriunes which is located little outside of Reykjavik (Kríunesvegur 12, 203 Kópavogur, Iceland). You can find the preliminary program enclosed.
The easiest way to get to Iceland is to fly to Keflavik International Airport which is the closest airport to Reykjavik (approx. 45 min). From Keflavik Airport there is Flybus connection to Reykavik which is approximately 15 euros (3 000 ISK) and from Reykjavik possibilities to travel further to hotel. We are looking for possibilities to arrange transportation either from Keflavik or to Reykjavik to hotel depending on the demand. We also would like to suggest that you explore your possibilities to stay little longer when visiting Iceland – it is really worth of staying bit longer! If possible we will also look our possibilities to arrange a little tour to the Geysir on Sunday 5th of May, if there is enough interest.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Hotel Kriunes (www.kriunes.is) which is located little outside of the Reykjavik. The prices for a single room is around 95 euros/night (13 000 ISK) and for a double room 110 euros/night (15 000 ISK). Rates include breakfast and free internet access.The price is valid for whole stay if you choose to come earlier and/or stay longer. The reservation is preffered to be done via ECHDO at the time of the registration. If you prefer to do the reservation later on, we kindly ask you to contact Icelandic Association Neistinn via e-mail (neistinn(at)neistinn.is) who are kindly helping us with the arrangements.
Program and registration
Attached you can find preliminary program of the AGM and the registration form for the meeting. The program will be updated as soon as we can confirm the lectures. As you know, the 2019 AGM will be ECHDO's 10th anniversary. That is why we are asking our members to send suggestions of your projects which could be presented on the AGM as possible learning points. One of the projects which will be presented, is the Kavli project presented by th Norwegian Association.
To register to ECHDO's Annual General meeting, finalize the registration form below or send the attached registration form by email to Katja Laine (k.laine(at)echdo.eu) until the 30th of March.
Call of possible board members
There are currently two open seats on the ECHDO board. Please contact us if you are interested to join the board. Please note that at the time being, ECHDO does not have the possibility to pay travelling costs or other expenses, so the representatives’ own organisation or individuals need to fund travelling and lodging expenses to attend meetings.
Also this year we have availabilities for AGM bursaries. If the representative of your organization would like to attend the AGM, but cannot afford the costs, please send us your application, and the board will evaluate your request. Given our current budget, we can allocate a total of 1000 euros for bursaries (5 bursaries of 200 euros each). If you would like to apply for a bursary, proof of economic adversity would be appreciated. The board will finalise decision on bursary applications by the end of February 2019.
If you need any additional information or suggestions, we kindly ask you to contact ECHDO via e-mail board(at)echdo.eu.
On behalf of ECHDO board,
Katja Laine
The President
European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation
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