Bundesverband Herzkranke Kinder e.V.

Main goals: 

  • Support for families with CHD Patients;
  • Exchange of information: self-help-groups, professional helpers (clinics) and rehabilitation;
  • Research of CHD;
  • FOR Family Orientated Rehabilitation;
  • Sports-camps e.g. horse-back-riding-weeks, sailing camps;
  • psycho-social and legal advice;
  • raise public awareness for CHD chronically ill children;
  • Organisation of meetings and symposia at the "day of Congenital heart disease" 5th May each year;
  • Integration of CHD-children and adults in our society.


Bundesverband Herzkranke Kinder e.V. (BVHK)
Sebastian Kahnt (Geschäftsführer)
Vaalser Straße 108, 52074 Aachen
52066 Aachen 
Email: info@bvhk.de 
Phone: +49- (0)241-980 948 15

Bundesvereinigung JEMAH e.V.

Main goals:

  • Medical and rehabilitative care of JEMAH in Germany;
  • Sharing experience with national and regional organisations for parents;
  • Publication of a magazine and information brochures;
  • Events and participation in symposia with doctors and other professionals;
  • Regional group meetings;
  • Help through our helpline providing information on socio-legal and psychosocial assistance.


Bundesvereinigung JEMAH e.V.
Miss Pack

PO Box 11 10
97627 Bad Koenigshofen
Email:  info@jemah.de
Telephone: 06032 9910310
Fax: 06032 9910319